Reference Guide


pliffy.plot.plot_abd(info: pliffy.utils.PliffyInfoABD, ax=None)[source]

Main user interface to generate ABD plot


>>> from pliffy import PliffyInfoABD, plot_abd
>>> info = PliffyInfoABD(data_a=data_a, data_b=data_b)
>>> plot_abd(info)


class pliffy.utils.PliffyInfoABD(data_a: list = None, data_b: list = None, ci_percentage: int = 95, design: Literal[paired, unpaired] = 'unpaired', measure_units: str = 'Amplitude (a.u.)', xtick_labels: pliffy.utils.ABD = ABD(a='a', b='b', diff='diff'), decimals: int = 2, plot_name: str = 'figure', save: Literal[True, False] = False, save_path: pathlib.Path = None, save_type: Literal[png, svg, pdf] = 'png', dpi: int = 180, marker: pliffy.utils.ABD = ABD(a='o', b='o', diff='^'), marker_color: pliffy.utils.ABD = ABD(a='black', b='black', diff='black'), summary_marker_size: pliffy.utils.ABD = ABD(a=5, b=5, diff=6), raw_marker_size: pliffy.utils.ABD = ABD(a=3, b=3, diff=3), raw_marker_transparency: float = 0.2, paired_data_joining_lines: Literal[True, False] = True, paired_data_line_color: str = 'gainsboro', paired_data_line_width: int = 1, paired_line_transparency: float = 0.3, paired_data_plot_raw_diff: Literal[True, False] = True, ci_line_width: int = 1, fontsize: int = 11, zero_line_color: str = 'grey', zero_line_width: int = 1, show: Literal[True, False] = True, width_height_in_inches: Tuple[float, float] = 3.23, 3.23)[source]

Information used to generate ABD plot

data_a and data_b are the only two required parameters. Other values will be set to default values if not specified.

  • data_a (list = None) – Data to be plotted and used to compute difference

  • data_b (list = None) – Data to be plotted and used to compute difference

  • ci_percentage (int = 95) – Value used to compute confidence intervals

  • design (Literal["paired", "unpaired"] = "unpaired") – Specify whether data_a and data_b are paired or unpaired

  • measure_units (str = "Amplitude (a.u.)") – Label applied to left y-axis

  • xtick_labels (ABD = ABD(a="a", b="b", diff="diff")) – Labels applied for data_a, data_b and diff. If diff=””, tick will be removed

  • decimals (int = 2) – Precision with which to report estimates printed to console

  • plot_name (str = "figure") – Name given to plot when saved

  • save (Literal[True, False] = False) – Flag whether or not to save figure

  • save_path (Path = None) – Path where to save figure

  • save_type (Literal["png", "svg", "pdf"] = "png") – What type of figure to save

  • dpi (int = 180) – If bitmap format, what dpi to use

  • marker (ABD = ABD(a="o", b="o", diff="^")) – Marker style to use for plotted data (raw and summary)

  • marker_color (ABD = ABD(a="black", b="black", diff="black")) – Color of plotted markers

  • summary_marker_size (ABD = ABD(a=5, b=5, diff=6)) – Size of markers for mean values

  • raw_marker_size (ABD = ABD(a=3, b=3, diff=3)) – Size of markers for raw data

  • raw_marker_transparency (float = 0.2) – Transparency of raw data markers, value between 0.1 (very transparent) to 1 (opaque)

  • paired_data_joining_lines (Literal[True, False] = True) – Indicate whether or not to plot joining lines between paired raw data points. If False, raw data points plotted

  • paired_data_line_color (str = "gainsboro") – Color of paired joining lines

  • paired_data_line_width (int = 1) – Width of paired joining lines

  • paired_line_transparency (float = 0.3) – Transparency of paired joining lines

  • paired_data_plot_raw_diff (Literal[True, False] = True) – Indicate whether or not to plot raw difference values

  • ci_line_width (int = 1) – Width of confidence interval error bars

  • fontsize (int = 11) – Font of all labels and tick-values

  • zero_line_color (str = "grey") – Color of dotted line indicating zero on the floating difference axis

  • zero_line_width (int = 1) – Width of zero line

  • show (Literal[True, False] = True) – Indicate whether or not to show plot after generation. Set to False if want to save but not show figure. Also set to False if current figure is a subplot of a larger figure

  • width_height_in_inches (Tuple[float, float] = (8.2, 8.2)) – Width and height of pliffy plot (in inches). Default is set to a one-column figure in a two-column journal format


class pliffy.utils.ABD(a: Union[str, int, float, estimate.Estimates] = None, b: Union[str, int, float, estimate.Estimates] = None, diff: Union[str, int, float, estimate.Estimates] = None)[source]

Namedtuple to store info/data for a, b, diff


>>> xtick_labels=ABD(a='a', b='b', diff='diff')
>>> marker=ABD(a='o', b='o', diff='^')